3 Key Reasons Why Small Businesses Are Not Getting Customers On Facebook

I have had the privilege of learning how to market effectively on facebook and I must say I really appreciate my mentors for all they have done for me. I have, on my own, dug deeper into the platform as they make more changes, to find out what works and what doesn’t.

I have tested some strategies that worked and some that didn’t work. Based on the experiences I have on facebook marketing, it is now easy for me to spot blunders small businesses are making and also what they are doing right.

There are thousands of small businesses and startups on facebook, and they are looking for more exposure, ROI, investors, and customers. Small businesses are not getting customers on facebook because of these 3 key reasons below:
  • Push Selling: This is enough to ruin ones credibility because facebook is not really a selling platform, but a tool to get people to see your brand (Exposure). Now facebook has said they will stop showing posts from pages that are only posting promotional content (yikes! now you have to pay to play the game… smart move facebook!).
  • Zero Interaction: Facebook a very interactive media, and when that element is taken off, then no one will pay attention to that business/brand. The reason this is vital is because users have been given the power to hide your content if they don’t find it valuable to them. You wouldn’t want that on your record now, would you?
  • No Marketing Strategy: [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”@BygfutSM” suffix=””]Without a plan or a goal in mind, your operations on facebook will be futile[/inlinetweet]. Don’t get on facebook to run your business because everyone you meet says it’s great to do so, but get on it because you have a purpose. Do you want more fans, or more awareness for your brand? Are you looking to get more customers? Do you have a sales funnel system in place to generate leads? These are vital questions that small business owners need to answer if they are truly looking to make head way with facebook.

There’s more to this, but I’ve decided to put out these 3 core reasons that hinder customer acquisition for small businesses on facebook.

I’ve been able to get customers on facebook, but that didn’t happen overnight. I applied certain methods that worked over the months. If you are finding it difficult to get customers, then do not fret because I can share with you my exact methods (if you need it, that is).

If you are struggling to get customers on facebook, then let me help you set up the strategy you need to achieve your goals (I’m giving the first 10 small businesses that take action a free facebook marketing needs assessment session via skype, so be nimble with your decision).

Just click this link, and get in touch with me if you are interested (Remember to use subject line – ‘Facebook Marketing Needs Assessment’)

I hope you got something from this post, let me know what you think on the comment section below. Remember to share to your social networks as well.

To your success!

Image Credit: Designed by Freepik

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