5 Reasons Why Your Skills Matter!

We all have skills, whether acquired or innate, but only a few people really harness the skills they have (i.e. put them to use).

Some people believe their skills are irrelevant, and based on that train of thought, they allow their skills to remain dormant.

The reason this happens is usually because of what we see and hear from people close to us; our immediate community, the news (TV, radio, etc), social media, blogs and other information transmitting channels out there.

If your life is always defined by what others think of you, then chances are that you’ll always conform to their opinion, rather than look deeper to what you can actually achieve… through your skills.

My purpose here is to share what I know based on personal experience (it’s not cast in stone!), and for you to see which one(s) resonates with you, and how you can apply it/them in your life. With that said, I’ll delve into the 5 core reasons why I believe your skills matter, and why you should never look down on them.

#1 Defines your Career path

One of the reasons a lot of people struggle in life and business is because they have chosen the wrong career path. This happens when one is prone to following trends, instead of really defining who they are and what they want to do.

The fact that a group of people are thriving in a certain industry does not mean that you will also thrive there. By identifying your true passion, you will be able to harness the skills you have more effectively.

[bctt tweet=”Both your innate and acquired skills should never be left unused.”]

#2 Eliminates doubt

When you are capable of doing things and getting results, it builds your confidence. You feel you can achieve anything.

The more you go through this process, the more you eliminate every trace of doubt; even when you hit brick walls, your reaction in such situations will be more positive than negative. The more you apply your skills in the real world, the more you open doors of opportunities for greater things.

#3 Positions you as an Authority

You may not be the brightest or the best entrepreneur in existence, but with your skills, and your ability to use them to execute business deals and strategies, you stand a good chance of positioning yourself as an authority in your field.

Becoming an authority does not necessarily need you to possess some sort of “celebrity status” as some might project. It just means you know your stuff, and can use it to help improve (potentially transform) your clients’ businesses.

#4 Opens doors to opportunities

“Opportunity knocks but once!” so they say, but I say if it doesn’t knock, then you go knocking for it. The opportunities that are hardly accessed can be acquired by putting your skills to good use.

People are constantly watching what we are doing as entrepreneurs and professionals within our space, and when they notice that we are consistent and effective with our knowledge and skills, they cease the moment to work with us, hire us, or partner with us, etc, on business ventures.

Don’t let such moments slip past you!

#5 Makes you money

This write up would not be complete without adding this aspect. However, I put it last because more often than not, people tend to focus on this aspect first and miss out on the whole picture.

Money is good, and like it is often said – “it makes the world go round”. When you have the necessary skill set to build a successful business, avoid starting out by saying – “how much can I make from these people?”

But start out by saying – “how can I use my skills to help these people succeed?” When you start to think that way, money will not only respond to you through the people you help, it will serve you well.

The idea of money does not end with how much you have, but how much you can keep and how much is working hard for you on the long run.

In Conclusion

We owe it to ourselves to use our skills and apply everything we learn in the real world, because without action, success will never be achieved.

As our various industries grow and more demands are being placed on us for results, let us not be complacent, and dwell on the fact that we have certain skills, therefore we are covered for life.

With that type of thinking, the only result we will derive will be total failure. We have to consistently improve ourselves, if we must excel in all we do.

Your turn… how have you been using your skills in the real world? What has been your experience so far – good or bad? Share on the comment section below and also share this post with your network.

Thanks for reading.

P.S: My core passion is to advice and help business owners achieve better results in their business through their marketing. If you would like me to build a dynamic marketing sequence for your business, then click here to book an initial strategy session with me.

Cover image credit: taken from http://ptclientsnow.com/

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