6 Reasons Why You’re Not Growing As An Entrepreneur
There are various reasons why you, as an entrepreneur, may stay stuck when trying to grow your business, but on this post I’ll highlight just 6 of them. Being stuck does not mean you are not qualified or do not posses the necessary skills, etc, to excel.
You do… but most of the time, you easily allow certain limitations to creep in and stop you from growing. So, here are possible reasons why most you find yourself stuck in your business, and not growing as you should:
#1. Lack of planning:
It’s easy to overlook the importance of planning, especially if you just want to get things done right away. Without sitting down to map out what you intend to achieve with anything you’re doing in your business, you’ll be working based on assumptions. When we say “start with the end in mind”, it means plan towards achieving that result you have in mind.
#2. Resistant to change:
Change is something that occurs constantly in the business world, and if you do not adapt to it as an entrepreneur, you’ll be left behind. Businesses that are ready to innovate will always stay ahead. You don’t have to be a Fortune 500 company to apply this principle.
#3. Unwilling to invest in yourself:
You want results, but when it comes to investing in yourself, you make excuses. Don’t let money detect your life. There’s a difference between spending and investing. When you pay for a training program or for coaching, you are putting yourself on track to acquire knowledge that will move you forward (you’re also being more responsible and accountable). In this case, you have to do your due diligence before dipping your toes.
#4. Cutting corners:
Are you prone to looking for shortcuts? Rather than take the time to do the right thing, you look for the “easy way out.” The truth is, what looks “easy” today will be the cause of your headaches (or heartaches) tomorrow. My mentor once said to me – “if you want something to last, buy quality… don’t look at the price, just buy it!” I’ve lived by that rule ever since.
#5. Procrastination:
This is a very common problem. You’ve spent time talking to someone who has devoted his/her time to listen to your needs. When it comes to taking the next step to hire him/her to help you further, you put it off (or build up cases why you shouldn’t). The truth is, the problem won’t go away. So would you rather it stayed on or would you rather it was gotten rid of it? Think about it and make a decision.
#6. Laziness:
This works hand in hand with procrastination. You’ve received the information you need, but you are too lazy to take action. In your mind you think there’s still a lot of time, but you forget that time waits for no one. If this is something you are struggling with, then get mentor/coach, and start being more responsible and accountable. Most of the successful entrepreneurs you see and hear about have mentors. This is one of the surefire ways achieving results in business.
Final thoughts:
Every entrepreneur needs help, advice, support, etc, and he/she needs to step out in order to receive these things. If it means paying for them, in your case, then do so. The problem with chasing after free stuff all the time is that you will end up not using them, because most of the time, people don’t place enough value on the free information they receive. Another setback with this is the application aspect… you may receive the information (or advice) for free, but if you can’t apply it, then it’s a waste of time.
On the flip side, if you do spend money to find solutions, bear in mind that it’s an investment, and it’s imperative that you get down to the nitty gritty and put in the work.
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To your success!